Promoting the natural and healthy development of children from 0 to 9 years old is one of the basic premises of Bibi. The brand is a pioneer and leader in the development of products based on scientific research and studies. It gained recognition in the sector through the development of physiological, non-toxic shoes and the exclusive Fisioflex Bibi insole technology, which provides the sensation of walking barefoot. Founded in 1949, Bibi is a reference in the children's footwear market. Present in more than 70 countries on five continents, in more than 5,000 multi-brand points of sale, in addition to national and international e-commerce, and a network of franchises with more than 140 stores in Latin America.
Contact: Andrea Kohlrausch;; +55 51 35123344
Responsible for internationalization: Mateus Giaretta;;
+55 54 999493625
Segment: Shoes
Opening date: 1949
Beginning of franchising: 2008
Numbers of franchisees in Brazil: 131
Numbers of franchisees in the world: 15
Investment value from:
R$ 50.0000/ € 85.000/ US$ 100.000,00
Average monthly unit revenue: R$ 150.000/ € 25.000,00/ US$ 30.000,00