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CleanNew emerged to be a new concept in waterproofing and upholstery cleaning. It developed a unique and innovative service called shielding, which can increase up to three times the life of the upholstery.

Contact:  Sandra Muñoz;; 55 71 99178-7918


Segmeno: Hygiene of upholstered materials

Opening year: 2014

Beginning of franchising: 2016

Numbers of franchisees in Brazil:  38

Numbers of franchisees worldwide: 4 (COLOMBIA, ARGENTINA, USA AND SPAIN)

Starting investment:  R$ 80.000,00/ USD 20.000,00/ € 20.000,00

Average monthly earning per unit: R$ 40.000,00 - 60.000,00/ USD 10.000,00 - 20.000,00

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