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Coife Odonto

Coife Odonto

Coife Odonto / VIP Dental is in great expansion in Brazil, has an excellent market positioning, being very different from a common dental clinic. The first international experience in China, despite the difficulties that the year 2020 presented, is being a success!

Technology and good customer service are always present and are among the company's main values. The owners of the company are executives present in the operation, and together with the entire franchisor team very dedicated to bringing extreme satisfaction to franchisees and customers. Brazil is the country that according to research has the best dentists in the world, the export of the workforce of specialist dentists magnifies the entire project and contributes to the development of oral health in other countries.

Contact:  Rodolfo Magalhães

Responsible for internationalization:  Rodolfo Magalhães  tels.+55 11 97172-7374;  +86 134 2227-4865


Segment: Healthcare

Type of business: Dental clinic

Opening date: 1992

Ano do início do Franchising: 2007

Numbers of franchisees in Brazil: 248

Number of franchisees worldwide: 1

Countries: China

Investment starting amount:  USD 350,000

Average monthly unit revenue: USD 65,000

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