Created in Japan in 1958 by Toru Kumon, the method uses examples and hints so that the student can be able to do exercises on their own with minimum intervention by the instructor. After fully understanding the contents, students advanced to the next level. The Kumon Method is now available in 57 countries and benefits more than 4 million students. In Brazil, there are more than 1500 centers in 580 cities, more than 180000 students, from a total of 200000 students in south America. More information on our website or 0800 728 1121.
Contact: Kazunori Watabe
Responsible for internationalization: Thiago Alves de Lima (
Segment: Education
Opening date: 1958
Beginning of franchising: 1977
Numbers of franchisees in Brazil: 1.573
Numbers of franchisees in the world: Colombia (136 units), Chile (68 units), Argentina (57 units), Bolivia (26 units), Peru (9 units), Uruguay (3 units)
Investment value from:
R$40,840.00 (Usd 7,268.78/€ 6,456.71). Values referring to Brazil. Each country has a specific value according to the local reality.
Average monthly unit revenue: R$30,000.00 (Usd 5,339.46/€ 4,742.23). Values referring to Brazil. Each country has a specific value according to the local reality.